AMR (Automatic Meter Reading ) is the modern Power measuring device .it is being used in measuring electricity , gas , water consumption in many countries on the world since it has a lot of advantages that the old analog meters doesn’t have . it has advantages in safety , real time measuring and time save as well as it has a better user interface and digital data analysis .AMR appears in several types depends on measured data type and data transfer technologies . We can say that AMR is the best solution to measure , collect and analyze data for the Mega networks like the electricity transmission and distribution network in Egypt . AMR brings significant benefits to the customer by providing increased meter-reading accuracy, fewer estimated bills, rapid response to read requests, automatic leak detection and billing options and provides detailed usage information about individual sites, which allows the company to offer variable rates and encourage price -responsive behavior among customers[3].AMR improves operational management by providing just-in-time meter replacement, tamper detection, remote access, and automatic scheduling of meter reading. In short, AMR will optimize cost savings and maximize efficiency while providing improved customer service. By using AMR we overcome the disadvantages of the traditional meter reading devices , improve the control and data we have and make the consumer aware of the power consumption he have so he can limit and control the price he pay [4].