Automatic Street Light

Needs no manual operation for switching ON and OFF. When there is need of light. It detects itself weather there is need for light or not. When darkness rises to a certain value then automatically street light is switched ON and when there is other source of light i.e. day time, the street light gets OFF. The sensitiveness of the street light can also be adjusted. In our project we have used four L.E.D for indication of bulb but for high power switching one can connect Relay (electromagnetic switch) at the output of pin 3 of I.C 555. Then it will be possible to turn ON/OFF any electrical appliances connected all the way through relay. This circuit uses a popular timer I.C 555. I.C 555 is connected as comparator with pin-6 connected with positive rail, the output goes high(1) when the trigger pin 2 is at lower then 1/3rd level of the supply voltage. Conversely the output goes low (0) when it is above 1/3rd level. So small change in the voltage of pin-2 is enough to change the level of output (pin-3) from 1 to 0 and 0 to 1. The output has only two states high and low and can not remain in any intermediate stage

    3 reviews
  • Raj J

    Automatic Street Light

    3 years ago
  • Jami Anusha

    Please share ppt on this topic

    3 years ago
  • Sumanth K

    Plz give me report of Automatic Street light

    4 years ago