Power Generation Using Speed Breakers.

In this model we show that how we can generate a voltage from the busy traffic. Conversion of the mechanical energy into electrical energy is widely used concept. mechanism to generate power by converting the potential energy generated by a vehicle going up on a speed breaker into rotational energy. We have used that simple concept to the project. We connect one mechanical rod with the dynamo and fit this rod on the surface of the road. When any vehicle moves from this roller then due to friction, vehicle Rotate the rod or roller and roller then move the dynamo. When dynamo move then it generates a voltage and this voltage now connects to the bulbs. In actual practice with the help of this voltage we will charge the battery and then we use this voltage to light the small bulb.

    2 reviews
  • Sarcastic Nundboun

    Sir can I get, report, ppt and file of this topic?

    3 months ago
  • Raj J

    Power Generation Using Speed Breakers.

    8 months ago