Latest top 325 Latest Seminar Topics For Electronics Engineering 2024

Collection of latest seminar topics for electronics engineering 2024. Download full latest seminar topics for electronics engineering 2024 in doc, pdf or ppt format.

Light Emitting Polymers

Light emitting polymers or polymer based light emitting diodes discovered by Friend et al in 1990 has been found superior than other displays like, liquid crystal displays (LCDs) vacuum fluorescence d...

Landmines Detection

Landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) are a legacy of war, insurrection, and guerilla activity. Landmines kill and maim approximately 26,000 people annually. In Cambodia, whole areas of arable land...

Lie Detector

Lies are part of human life! People often tell lies to deceive others. many of us have heard about “lie detector “,some where seen in movies or read it in fiction stories. Does anything of this so...


Generally when most people think about electronics, they may initially think of products such as cell phones, radios, laptop computers, etc. others, having some engineering background, may think of re...

Mine Detection Using Radar Bullets

Now a day in places like Afghanistan and Iraq we know that land mines are causing serious threat to the lives of civilians. The mines that are implanted during the wartime may remain undetected for se...

Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography

Silicon has been the heart of the world's technology boom for nearly half a century, but microprocessor manufacturers have all but squeezed the life out of it. The current technology used to make mic...

Code Division Duplexing

To utilize spectrum efficiently, two transmission techniques need to be considered: one is a multiple access scheme and the other a duplexing system. There are three multiple access schemes namely TDM...

Predictive Maintenance using Thermal Imaging

Thermal imaging (Infrared thermography) is a technique that produces a visible graph or thermographic image of thermal energy radiated from objects. The human eye can only see the narrow middle band o...

ultrasonic motor.

Electromagnetic motors rely on the attraction and repulsion of magnetic fields for their operation. Without good noise suppression circuitry, their noisy electrical operation will affect the electroni...

Smart Dust

Smart dust requires mainly revolutionary advances in miniaturization, integration & energy management. Hence designers have used MEMS technology to build small sensors, optical communication componen...

Automatic Vehicle Locator

AUTOMATIC VEHICLE LOCATOR Automatic vehicle location (AVL) is a computer -based vehicle tracking system. For transit, the actual real -time position of each vehicle is determined and relayed t...

Border Security Using WINS

Wireless Integrated Network Sensors (WINS) now provide a new monitoring and control capability for monitoring the borders of the country. Using this concept we can easily identify a stranger or some...

Tunable Laser

A tunable laser is a laser whose wavelength of operation can be altered in a controlled manner. While all laser gain media allow small shifts in output wavelength, only a few types of lasers allow con...

Low Energy Efficient Wireless Communication Network

Energy efficient wireless communication network design is an important and challenging problem. It is important because mobile units operate on batteries with energ...


The Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) is a transistor used for amplifying or switching electronic signals. Although the MOSFET is a four-terminal device with source (S), g...

Opamp Application

Adder : Adder circuit is a Summing Amplifier. Op-amp can be used to design a circuit whose output is the sum of several input signals. Such a circuit is called a summing amplifier or a summer. Summin...

Analog to Digital

In physical world parameters such as temperature, pressure, humidity, and velocity are analog signals. A physical quantity is converted into electrical signals. We need an analog to dig...

Carbon Nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes are wires of pure carbon with nanometer diameters and lengths of many microns. A single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) may be thought of as a single atomic layer thick sheet of graph...

Cellonics Technology

The Cellonicsâ„¢ technology is a revolutionary and unconventional approach based on the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems (NDS) and modelled after biological cellbehaviour1. In essence, the term...

Data Compression

Data compression is the process of converting an input data stream or the source stream or the original raw data into another data stream that has a smaller size. data compression is popular because o...

    1 reviews
  • Raj J

    Huge list of latest Electronics Engineering (EE) seminar topics. Students can download abstract full report in pdf, ppt, doc etc. These seminars also include research papers on many advanced topics. Thank you.

    7 months ago