Latest top 325 Latest Seminar Topics For Electronics Engineering 2025

Collection of latest seminar topics for electronics engineering 2025. Download full latest seminar topics for electronics engineering 2025 in doc, pdf or ppt format.

Wireless Solar Mobile Charger

Our project goal is to develop a miniature solar panel to be installed onto the cell phone itself. This way, the phone can charge independently; independent of power outlets and independent of wires.

RF Based Home Automation

Home automation is a famous and most used technology in the world. The main object of this project is to develop a home automation system with a four button key fob transmitter by using RF (Radio Frequency) technology.

ROBDD Based Area Minimization

The first automated synthesis method targeting the reconfigurable SET array for area minimization was proposed in ‘Automated mapping for reconfigurable SET arrays’.

GSM Based Remote Switching System

In this paper, we have developed a high security,simple and reliable wireless communication system to monitor and to control devices that are far away from the user by making a call.

Light Sensing Robot

The light following robot is a capable of detecting and following the light source on the traveling path. It is developed without the help of a micro-controller for providing easier connections and understanding of the circuit.

Hills Train Power Generation & Automatic Railway gate control

This paper deals with automatic railway gate operation implemented in unmanned level crossings at remote areas. Detection of train approaching the gate can be sensed by means of sensors placed on side of the track.

Harmonic Reduction in Power System

In an inverter DC voltage is converted into an AC output. During this transformation from DC to AC, harmonics affect the the power quality a lot. How harmonic reduction will improve the power quality is explained in detail.

Cyber and Social Terrorism

Cyber terrorism is the act of internet terrorism in terrorist activities, including acts of Deliberate, large-scale disruption of computer networks, especially of personal computers attached to the Internet, by the means of tools such as computer viruses.

Integrated CMOS Tri-Gate Transistors

Tri-Gate fully-depleted CMOS transistors have been fabricated with various body dimensions. These experimental results and 3-D simulations are used to explore th...


In the weird world of quantum mechanics the fundamental, particle, electron possesses a property Called ‘spin’. It is not the sort of spin used in common everyday speech but, the angular momentum o...

Internet Protocal Telivision

An IPTV signal is a stream of data packets traveling across the Web.Internet TV is relatively new -- there are lots of different ways to get it, and quality,...

Brain Chips

Worldwide there are at least three million people living with artificial implants. In particular, research on the cochlear implant and retinal vision have furthered the development of interfaces be...

Electrodynamic Theaters

Electrodynamic (ED) tether is a long conducting wire extended from spacecraft. It has a strong potential for providing propellant less propulsion to spacecra...

Electronics bus Ticketing System

The ticket machines would end the use of the hefty 1.5-kg ticket racks carried by conductors. It would also end the practice of tearing out tickets and marking fare stages. The Conductor would j...

Smart Cameras in Embedded System

A smart camera performs real-time analysis to recognize scenic elements. Smart cameras are useful in a variety of scenarios: surveillance, medicine, etc.We have built a real-time system for recogni...

Wireless Mobile Charger

With mobile phones becoming a basic part of life, the recharging of mobile phone batteries has always been a problem. The mobile phones vary in their talk time and battery stand by according to the...

Thunderbolt Technology

Thunderbolt Technology is a transformational high speed, dual core protocol I/O protocol which provides unmatched excellent performance over current I/O tec...

Nanorobots The Heart Surgeon

These nanoscale devices are able to perform higher with reduced time researches in nanotechnology brought newer approaches in the field of medicine. This pap...

Google Glass

Project Glass is a research and development program by Google to develop an augmented reality Head-Mounted Display (HMD). The intended purpose of Project Gla...

Artificial Intelligence in Power Systems

An electric power system is a network of electrical components used to supply, transmit and use electric power. Power systems engineering is a subdivision of...

    1 reviews
  • Raj J

    Huge list of latest Electronics Engineering (EE) seminar topics. Students can download abstract full report in pdf, ppt, doc etc. These seminars also include research papers on many advanced topics. Thank you.

    7 months ago