Collection of latest seminar topics for electronics engineering 2025. Download full latest seminar topics for electronics engineering 2025 in doc, pdf or ppt format.
New interactive computing applications are continually being developed in a bid to support people’s changing work and recreational activities. As research focuses on one particular class...
To remain competitive in the wireless communication market, vendors and operators need to take the reduction of both network cost and complexity as a priority in future deployments of cellular systems...
In the present network infrastructure, world's communication service providers are laying fiber at very rapid rates. And most of the fiber connections are now being terminated using DWDM. The combinat...
Adaptive active phased array radars are seen as the vehicle to address the current requirements for true ‘multifunction’ radars systems. Their ability to adapt to the enviournment and schedule th...
Multisensor fusion and integration is a rapidly evolving research area. Multisensor fusion and integration refers to the combination of sensory data from multiple sensors to provide more accurate and...
Anyone who's been through a prolonged power outage knows that it's an extremely trying experience. Within an hour of losing electricity, you develop a healthy ap...
Are you tired of slow modem connections? Cellonics Incorporated has developed new technology that may end this and other communications problems forever. The new modulation and demodulation technology...
This topic includes brief introduction of the modern electronic device.The electronic tongue is a system for automatic analysis and recognition (classification) of liquids or gases. Researchers hope t...
FM Direction Finder has wide applications like navigation of ships, aircrafts, missiles, radar, tracking satellites and other astronomical radio sources. In the field of communications, certain requir...
Ethernet is a family of frame-based computer networking technologies for local area networks (LANs). The name comes from the physical concept of the ether. It defines a number of wiring and signaling...
Accessing audio and video used to be a simple matter - simple because of the simplicity of the access mechanisms and because of the poverty of the sources. An incommensurable amount of audiovisual inf...
“Invisiblity†has not remained a thing of science fiction movie or story. Imagine when one will be able to disappear in the air and no one is able to see him like the Harry Potter invisibility...
Single electron transistor (SET) is a novel idea and has been intensively studied. This review gives a general picture of SET, such as its mechanism, fabrication, application and problems faced. Du...
Interception of communications is a method of spying commonly employed by intelligence services, whereas there can now be no doubt that the purpose of the system is to intercept, at the very least, pr...
A fingerprint is an impression of the friction ridges of all or any part of the finger. A friction ridge is a raised portion of the epidermis on the pal mar (palm and fingers) or plantar (sole and toe...
Transparent electronics is an emerging science and technology field focused on producing ‘invisible’ electronic circuitry and opto-electronic devices. Applications include consumer electronics, ne...
General Electric engineers experimenting with devices using porous carbon electrodes first observed the EDLC effect in 1957.[5] They believed that the energy was stored in the carbon pores and the dev...
The camera phone is one of the hottest-selling items in all of consumer electronics. The little gadgets have become so ubiquitous that hardly anyone finds it odd anymore to see tourists squinting with...
Template matching is a classical problem in a scene analysis: given a reference image of an object, decide whether that object exists in a scene image under analysis, and find its location if it does....
A video game console is an interactive entertainment computer or modified computer system that produces a video display signal which can be used with a display device (a television, monitor, etc.) to...