Bhanu Apophis

Hyderabad, andhra pradesh, india

male 33 11

The New Smart Eraser Design

The paper puts forward a kind of mechanism design scheme, the mechanism can automatically detect the blackboard chalk stains, and erase the font, keep the blackboard clean. In this paper, the hardw...

Obstacle Avoiding Robot - Project

Robotics is part of Todays communication. In today’s world ROBOTICS is fast growing and interesting field. It is simplest way for latest technology modification. Now a days communication is part...

Eye on Cell Phone Operated Land Rover - Project

In this project robot is controlled by cell-phone that makes a call to the cell-phone attached to the robot. In the course of a call if any button is pressed a tone corresponding to the b...

Autonomous Cleaning Robot

Robotics research has been around from long ago. However robots as a home appliance emerged recently and as the people needs grew, which has resulted in the growth of the market. Home appliance rob...

Five-Phase Brushless DC-Machine Direct Drive System

The majority of electrical drive systems are three-phase systems. Recently some quasi-four-phase systems employing neutral leg also have been used for harmonic optimization and fault-tolerant drive...

Bubble Power

The standard of living in a society is measured by the amount of energy consumed. In the present scenario where the conventional fuels are getting depleted at a very fast rate the current energy re...

Instruction Cache Compression

Code compression could lead to less overall system die area and therefore less cost. This is significant in the embedded system field where cost is very sensitive. In most of the recent approaches...

Telemedicine Systems - Project

This project is used in hospitals, because the patients in the ICU need a constant monitoring of their body, Respiratory Temp, Saline Status and ECG. Our project is a working model that incorporate...

Hexapod Robots

This paper emphasis the need for developing the legged robots rather than wheeled robots. Among these legged robots mentioned in this paper, we will particularly study about the cockroach-like hexa...

Hybrid Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles

Power sources hybridization for fuel cell vehicles can overcome short comings such as slow cold start-up, slow dynamic response to load change, and no regenerative energy capture. The hybridization ca...

Smart Dust Core Architecture

The most difficult constraints in the Smart Dust design are those regarding the minimum energy consumption necessary to drive the circuits and MEMS devices. The basic concepts involved in the struc...