Raj J

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

male 39 24

This is my brother's idea, i am executing it. In other words i am Developer of this web site. Happy searching for your seminar topic. If you have any good seminars don't forget to upload it.

Fast Dissolving Tablets

Fast Dissolving Tablets (FDTs) or Mouth Dissolving Tablets (MDTs) which disintegrates or dissolves rapidly without water within few seconds in the mouth. Significance <li...

Chemical Weapons And It's Impact on Living Things

A chemical weapon (CW) is a device that uses chemicals formulated to inflict death or harm to human beings. Chemical weapons use the toxic properties of chemical substances rather than their explos...

Chemical Oceanography

Marine Bio-geochemistry and Sedimentation Distribution of Marine Sediments&nbsp; Carbonate Equilibrium and the CCD&nbsp; Organic Carbon and Sedim...

Fusion Propulsion

A new concept for the interplanetary and interstellar mission engine. All current spacecraft use chemical rocket for launch and this fusion propulsion system uses fusion rockets for launch. Fusion...