Pawan Janorkar

Pune, Maharashtra,

male 36 809

A Double Claw Robotic End Effector

The definition of an industrial robot given by the Robotics Industries Association (R.I.A.) is, A reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material parts, tools, or specialized dev...

Ball Piston Engine

Efforts to develop rotary internal combustion engines have been undertaken in the past, and are continuing. One main advantage to be gained with a rotary engine is reduction of inertial loads and bett...

Aeronautical Communication

The demand for making air traveling more 'pleasant, secure and productive for passengers is one of the winning factors for airlines and aircraft industry. Current trends are towards high data rate com...

Analog Communication Systems

Analog And Digital System Analog System: A string tied to a doorknob would be an analog system. They have a value that changes steadily over time and can have any one of an infinite se...

Android Technology

A mobile operating system, also referred to as mobile OS, is the operating system that operates a Smartphone, tablet, PDA, or other digital mobile devices. Modern mobile operating systems combine t...

Antivirus Solutions

Virus attacks and intrusion attempts have been causing lots of troubles and serious damages to almost all the computer users. Ever the day, one starts using a computer, virus infection becomes an issu...

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is defined as intelligence exhibited by an artificial entity. Such a system is generally assumed to be a computer. Although AI has a strong science fiction connotation, it...

Barcode Technology

BARCODE is a method of automatic identification & data collection, also known as the “Universal Product Code” (UPC). BARCODE is use the Binary System for coding & decoding. It has the series of ba...


Bluejacking is the sending of unsolicited messages over Bluetooth to Bluetooth-enabled devices such as mobile phones, PDAs or laptop computers, sending a vCard which typically contains a message in th...

Viruses and Antiviruses

A computer program that causes it to be classified as a virus is not its ability to destroy data, but its ability to gain control of the computer and make a fully functional copy of itself. Not all co...

Blue Eyes

The U.S. computer giant,IBM has been conducting research on the Blue Eyes technology at its Almaden Research Center (ARC) in San Jose, Calif., since 1997. The ARC is IBM's main laboratory for basic re...

Bluetooth Based Smart Sensor Networks

The communications capability of devices and continuous transparent information routes are indispensable components of future oriented automation concepts. Communication is increasing rapidly in in...

Bluetooth Configuration of an FPGA

Self-Reconfigurable modular robotics represents a new approach to robotic hardware. Instead of designing a new and different mechanical robot for each task, a generic “robot” is composed of many s...

Brain Gate

BrainGate is a brain implant system developed by the bio-tech company Cyberkinetics in 2003 in conjunction with the Department of Neuroscience at Brown University. The device was designed to help tho...

3G vs WIFI

The two most important phenomena impacting telecommunications over the past decade have been explosive parallel growth of both the internet and mobile telephone services. The internet brought the bene...

5G Technology

Mobile and wireless networks have made tremendous growth in the last fifteen years. Nowadays many mobile phones have also a WLAN adapter. One may suppose that ne...

3D Password

Normally the authentication scheme the user undergoes is particularly very lenient or very strict. Throughout the years authentication has been a very interesting approach. With all the means of techn...

Airborne Internet

Airborne Internet is a private, secure and reliable peer-to-peer aircraft communications network that uses the same technology as the commercial Internet. It is an implementation which connects aircra...

An ATM with an Eye

There is an urgent need for improving security in banking region. ATM systems today use no more than an access card and PIN for identity verification. This situation is unfortunate since tremendous progress has been made in biometric identification techniques, including finger printing, retina scanning, and facial recognition.

Artificial Consciousness

Artificial consciousness is a relatively new branch of computer science. But the idea is centuries old. A.C is a very philosophical area. There has been no consensus on what consciousness is since all...