Pawan Janorkar

Pune, Maharashtra,

male 36 809

Electricity Generated by Hand Wheel

The stator contains six coils of copper wire, cast in fibreglass resin. This stator casting is mounted onto the spine; it does not move. Wires from the coils take electricity to the rectifier, which c...

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources include the sun, wind, water, geothermal energy and biomass.These renewable sources are all natural occurring elements. If these sources are utilized properly we can able to produce energy in large scale without disturbing earth’s nature and not making pollution.

Grid Voltage Regulation

S the penetration level of the renewable energy resources(such as wind, solar, fuel cells, etc) is increasing, dependence on these resources to support load demand in modern power distribution system...

Space Vector Modulation For THREE-LEG Voltage

The topology of a three-leg voltage source inverter is shown in Fig. 2.1. Because of the constraint that the input lines must never be shorted and the output current must always be continuous a voltag...

Super capacitors Energy Storage System

Supercapacitor is a double layer capacitor; the energy is stored by charge transfer at the boundary between electrode and electrolyte. The amount of stored energy is function of the available electrod...

Accident Statistics Buzzer During any Accident

Accident statistics: India's road accident record: 16 % of the world's road accident death happens in India, while India has only 1 % of the world's road vehicles....

Hybrid Electric Vehicle

Have you pulled your car up to the gas pump lately and been shocked by the high price of gasoline? As the pump clicked past $20 or $30, maybe you thought about trading in that SUV for something that g...

Ultrasonic Motor

All of us know that motor is a machine which produces or imparts motion, or in detail it is an arrangement of coils and magnets that converts electric energy into mechanical energy and ultrasonic m...

Latest Technology in Current Measurement

Over the past 15 years, optical current sensors have received significant attention by a number or search groups around the world as next generation high voltage measurement devises, with a view to r...

Wireless Power Transmission via Solar Power Satellite

A major problem facing Planet Earth is provision of an adequate supply of clean energy. It has been that we face “...three simultaneous challenges -- population growth, resource consumption, and env...

Magnetic Levitation

Magnetic Levitation is a way to suspend objects in air without any support, as if in defiance of gravity. An unsung phenomenon of the past which is now being put to use in a variety of interesting and...

Solar Car

The unique feature of the vehicle is being solar operated system, but it does not use battery to supply the motor, instead it uses capacitor banks there are four different capacitor banks used in this...

Universal Current Sensor

The measurement of electric current strength is not always easy, especially when the measured signal requires further electronic conditioning. Simply connecting an ammeter to an electrical circuit a...

Digital Testing of High Voltage Circuit Breaker

With the advancement of power system, the lines and other equipment operate at very high voltages and carry large currents. High-voltage circuit breakers play an important role in transmission and dis...

Eddy Current Brakes

This is an electric braking system which works on the principle that eddy current produced in it opposes the driving torque. This opposing torque is used to brake the automobiles.

Hydrogen Wire Car

Cars are immensely complicated machines, but when you get down to it, they do an incredibly simple job. Most of the complex s...

Power Theft Detection

India, the largest democracy with an estimated population of about 1.04 billion, is on a road to rapid growth in economy. Energy, particularly electricity, is a key input for accelerating economic gro...

Circuit Breaker Maintenance by Mobile Agent Software Technology

Circuit breakers are crucial components for power system operation. The currently adapted time-directed maintenance strategy and the emerging new condition-based strategy require a flexible informatio...

Energy Harvesting Trees

Solar Botanic will introduce artificial trees that make use of renewable energy from `the sun and wind, they are an efficient clean and environmentally sound means of collecting solar radiation and wi...

Moisture Measurement Technology

Public concepts of how to share and manage the finite supplies of water are changing. Increasing competition exists between power, irrigation, municipal, industrial, recreation,...