Pawan Janorkar

Pune, Maharashtra,

male 36 809

Rover Mission Using JAVA Technology

Java technology today is good for general purpose computing and GUIs, but it was not ready for use with control systems like the software on the Rover. The Golden Gate project seeks to use RTSJ Real Time Specification for JAVA

Random Number Generators

This paper evaluates the hardware based random number generator (RNG) for use in cryptography application. The paper simulates the fastest and efficient algorithm towards the random number generator and the function generating 50% time different values.

Interconnection of Computer Networks

Networks must be interconnected to cater to inter-organizational relationships. An interconnection network in a parallel machine transfers information from any source node to any desired destination node

Wavelet Transforms In Colored Image Steganography

Digital Steganography exploits the use of a host data to hide a piece of information in such away that it is imperceptible to a human observer. Wavelet transforms that map in..

Bionic Eyes

An artificial eye provokes visual sensations in the brain by directly stimulating different parts of the optic nerve. There are also other experimental implants that can stimulate the ganglia cells on the retina or the visual cortex of the brain itself

Wireless Networks for Medical Applications

Medical applications is a field where technologies such as Wireless Networking have a promising future. In the healthcare field, access and cost saving are two of the hottest issues these days. Wireless Networks for Medical Applications

Training and Development

It can define as an educational process that consists of sharpening of skills, gaining extra knowledge, changing of attitude for promoting the performance of the company’s employees.

Conflict Management

“An expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from the other party in achieving their goals.

Energy Management System

Energy management" is a term that has a number of meanings, but we're mainly concerned with the one that relates to saving energy in businesses, public- sector/government organizations, and homes.


Personality is defined as the unique pattern of relatively stable behaviours and mental processes that characterize an individual and how he or she interacts with their environment

Value Analysis

To determine and improve the value of a product or process by first understanding the functions of the item and their value, then its constituent components and their associated costs, in order to reduce their costs or increase the functions value.

Portfolio Management

This means any person who pursuant to a contract or arrangement with a client, advises or directs or undertakes on behalf of the client the management or administration of a portfolio of securities or the funds of the client.

Performance Management

Performance Management is a key process in any organisation and should assist the management and staff to focus on the key issues and business objectives to ensure sustainability.

Augmented Reality

The process of superimposing digitally rendered images onto our real-world surroundings, giving a sense of an illusion or virtual reality. Recent developments have made this technology accessible using a Smartphone.

Black Box

Black box is a system where the inner components or logic are available for inspection, which is most commonly referred to as a white box (sometimes also known as a "clear box" or a "glass box").


E-textiles, also known as electronic textiles, are fabrics that can function electrically as electronics and behave physically as textiles which enable computing ,digital components and electronics to be embedded in them.

Extreme-Ultraviolet Lithography

Extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL) is an advanced technology for making microprocessors a hundred times more powerful than those made today.

Feasibility Study

A feasibility study evaluates the project's potential for success; therefore, perceived objectivity is an important factor in the credibility of the study for potential investors and lending institutions.


Basically, an animatronic is a mechanized puppet. It may be preprogrammed or remotely controlled. The animatronic may only perform a limited range of movements or it may be incredibly versatile.

Hawk-eye Technology

Hawk-Eye is a computer system used in cricket, tennis, snookers and other sports to visually track the path of the ball and display a record of its most statistically likely path as a moving image.