Pawan Janorkar

Pune, Maharashtra,

male 36 809

H 323 Technology

The H.323 standard provides a foundation for audio, video, and data communications across IP-based networks, including the Internet.

Human Detection

This project provides best solution for the human to detect terrorist/thief inside the building.

IBOC Technology

AM IBOC has recently been studied by an NRSC working group as prelude to its adoption for general broadcast use,The FM report paid strong attention to the use of SCA services on FM IBOC.


Anti-inflammatory and anesthetic medications (dexamethasone and lidocaine) are the most common medications delivered using iontophoresis in physical therapy.


"Millipede" is a new (AFM)-based data storage concept that has a potentially ultrahigh density, terabit capacity, small form factor, and high data rate.

Monorail System

Considering the increase in population, increased travel demand and narrow road networks running through congested structures, there is a need of a system which will occupy less space as well as reduce travel time.

Organic Light Emitting Diode

Organic Light Emitting Diode is a scalable nano level emerging technology in Flat Panel Displays and as a White Light Source with efficient features.

Palm Vein Technology

Fujitsu has developed a palm vein pattern authentication technology that uses vescular patterns as personal identification data .Vein recognition technology is secure because the authentication data exists inside the body .

Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer manufactured and designed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi foundation with the intention of teaching basic computer science to school students