Aluminium Forms System

Aluform is a construction system for forming cast in place concrete structure of a Building. Aluform system provides aluminium formwork for RCC, load-bearing ,multi-storeyed buildings and enables the walls and slab to be poured in the same operation. This increases efficiency, and also produces an extra-ordinarily strong structure with excellent concrete finish. Due to the fine tolerances achieved in the machined metal formwork components, consistent concrete shapes and finishes are obtained floor after floor, building after building, confirming to the most exact standards of quality and accuracy. This allows plumbing and electrical fittings to be prefabricated with the certain knowledge that there will be an exact fit when assembled. The dimensional accuracy at the concreted work also results in consistent fittings of doors and windows. The smooth off form finish of the concrete eliminates the need for costly plasteri The system of Aluminium Forms has been used widely in the construction of residential units in both low-rise & high-rise buildings. It has proven to be very successful in the construction of mass housing projects in various parts of the world. The system most suitable for Indian conditions is a tailor-made aluminium formwork for cast-in-situ fully concrete structure. It is also a system for scheduling and controlling the work of other connected construction trades such as steel reinforcement, concrete placement and mechanical & electrical inserts.

    1 reviews
  • Raj J

    Aluminium Forms System

    8 months ago