5G Technology

Mobile and wireless networks have made tremendous growth in the last fifteen years. Nowadays many mobile phones have also a WLAN adapter. One may suppose that near soon many mobile phones will have WiMAX adapter too, besides their 3G, 2G, WLAN, Bluetooth etc. adapters. Using IP for both, 2.5G or 3G Public Land Mobile Networks (PLMN) on one side and WLAN on the other, raised research on their integration. Regarding the 4G, its focus is towards seamless integration of cellular networks such as GSM and 3G. Multimode user terminals are seen as must have for 4G, but different security mechanisms and different QoS support in different wireless technologies remain a challenge. However, integration among different wireless networks (e.g. PLMN and WLAN) is functioning in practice even today. But, different wireless networks from a single terminal are used exclusively, that is, there is no combining of different wireless access technologies for a same session (e.g., FTP download).

The proposed Open Wireless Architecture (OWA) in is targeted to provide open baseband processing modules with open interface parameters to support different existing as well as future wireless communication standards. The OWA is targeted to MAC/PHY layers of future (4G) mobile terminals. The referenced work above provides a ground for definition of a concept for beyond 4G mobile networks, referred in this paper as 5G mobile networks. . In the proposed concept the mobile user is on the top of all. The 5G terminals will have software defined radios and modulation scheme as well as new error-control schemes can be downloaded from the Internet on the run. The development is seen towards the user terminals as a focus of the5G mobile networks. The terminals will have access to different wireless technologies at the same time and the terminal should be able to combine different flows from different technologies. Each network will be responsible for handling user-mobility, while the terminal will make the final choice among different wireless/mobile access network providers for a given service. The paper also proposes intelligent Internet phone concept where the mobile phone can choose the best connections by selected constraints and dynamically change them during a single end-to-end connection.

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  • Raj J

    5G Technology

    8 months ago