Search Engine

Searching is one of the most used actions on the Internet. Search engines as an instrument of searching, are very popular and frequently used sites. This is the reason why webmasters and every ordinary user on the Internet, must have good knowledge about search engines and searching.

Webmasters use major search engines for submitting their sites on it, and for searching. Ordinary users use major search engines primarily for searching, and sometimes for submitting their homepages or small sites.
Why search engines are so popular? If you are ordinary user and you want to find some texts or pictures about certain theme, first thing you will do is to visit search engine to get some good URLs about certain theme. This will happen every time you need some information or data about any theme.
If you are webmaster, you will also need some information while preparing site for the Web, and you will also use search engines. Then, when you finish with it, you must submit your URL to many search engines. After that you will check your URL ranking on every search engine... There are also hot news on every major search engine, many other interesting contents... All of this shortly describes why search engines are so popular.

As a user at novice level you must learn how to use search engines for searching the Internet. You must know that there are two ways of searching: by using user's query or by using categories. If you have keywords or phrase that best describes the theme you need, you should use user's query. But if you need some theme, and you don't have keywords or phrase, you should use categories.
If you use user's query, you should type keyword or phrase in this form and click on "search". Then you will get search results, and you can choose URL, which is the best in your opinion. If you use categories, you should click on category that best describes the theme you need. You will then get subcategories and should choose some subcategory that best describes the theme you are after. Repeat this action until you find group of URLs, which content is related with theme you want.
As a webmaster you must submit your URL to all major search engines. This is the way to promote your site. You could get many visits from major search engines, if you have a good ranking of your URL. We made page with URLs which takes you to submit forms of major search engines. You will not lose your valuable time on searching for these forms, all of them are on one page.
Different Types of Search Engines
When people mention the term "search engine", it is often used generically to describe both crawler-based search engines and human-powered directories. In fact, these two types of search engines gather their listings in radically different ways and therefore are inherently different.
Crawler-based search engines, such as Google, AllTheWeb and AltaVista, MSN Search create their listings automatically by using a piece of software to “crawl” or “spider” the web and then index what it finds to build the search base. Web page changes can be dynamically caught by crawler-based search engines and will affect how these web pages get listed in the search results.
Crawler-based search engines are good when you have a specific search topic in mind and can be very efficient in finding relevant information in this situation. However, when the search topic is general, crawler-base search engines may return hundreds of thousands of irrelevant responses to simple search requests, including lengthy documents in which your keyword appears only once.
Human-powered directories, such as the Yahoo directory, Open Directory and LookSmart, depend on human editors to create their listings. Typically, webmasters submit a short description to the directory for their websites, or editors write one for the sites they review, and these manually edited descriptions will form the search base. Therefore, changes made to individual web pages will have no effect on how these pages get listed in the search results.
Human-powered directories are good when you are interested in a general topic of search. In this situation, a directory can guide and help you narrow your search and get refined results. Therefore, search results found in a human-powered directory are usually more relevant to the search topic and more accurate. However, this is not an efficient way to find information when a specific search topic is in mind.
Meta-search engines, such as Dogpile, Mamma, and Metacrawler, transmit user-supplied keywords simultaneously to several individual search engines to actually carry out the search. Search results returned from all the search engines can be integrated, duplicates can be eliminated and additional features such as clustering by subjects within the search results can be implemented by meta-search engines.
Meta-search engines are good for saving time by searching only in one place and sparing the need to use and learn several separate search engines. "But since meta-search engines do not allow for input of many search variables, their best use is to find hits on obscure items or to see if something can be found using the Internet."
How to use search Engines
• A “+” before a word in a search will locate for documents which definitely contain the word.
• A “-” before a word will exclude that word from search.
• Placing words between quotation marks will search for phrase between the quotes.
• Using “or” between search phrase will search each term separately.
• +BLACK+BLUE: The search results will contain documents which contain the word black and the word blue.
• BLACK-BLUE: Those documents will be returned which contain the word black but not the word blue.
• “BLACK BLUE”: Those documents will be returned which include the phrase black blue. (placed together).
• BLACK OR BLUE: Those documents will be returned which contain the term black or the term blue.
• Easy to acquire different information from different topics
• determine specifically information
• Sorting and adding value to the information
• Too many websites visitors
• Too many websites leads/sales
Challenges faced by Search Engines
• The web is growing much faster than any present-technology search engine can possibly index (see distributed web crawling).
• Many web pages are updated frequently, which forces the search engine to revisit them periodically.
• The queries one can make are currently limited to searching for key words, which may result in many false positives.
• Dynamically generated sites may be slow or difficult to index, or may result in excessive results from a single site.
• Many dynamically generated sites are not indexable by search engines; this phenomenon is known as the invisible web.
• Some search engines do not order the results by relevance, but rather according to how much money the sites have paid them.
• Some sites use tricks to manipulate the search engine to display them as the first result returned for some keywords. This can lead to some search results being polluted, with more relevant links being pushed down in the result list.

    2 reviews
  • Raj J

    Search Engine

    3 years ago
  • Srija Reddy

    Sir upload document

    4 years ago