Digital Library

Digital libraries can vary immensely in size and scope, and can be maintained by individuals, organizations, or affiliated with established physical library buildings or institutions, or with academic institutions. The electronic content may be stored locally, or accessed remotely via computer networks. An electronic library is a type of information retrieval system.

A Digital library (also referred to as electronic library or digital repository) is a focused collection of digital objects that can include text, visual material, audio material, video material, stored as electronic media formats (as opposed to print, micro form, or other media), along with means for organizing, storing, and retrieving the files and media contained in the library collection. 


The major objectives of these papers are as follows:

1) It will provide cutting-edges facilities and services to support research, teaching, learning, and scholarly communication across disciplines.

2) To collect, organize and collate prints and digital information and disseminate at the point of care and for future use.

3) To provide seamless access for information.

4) To act as a gateway to digital and electronic information.

5) To develop into a single access point library.

6) To develop and conduct tutorials for the users to enable them to effectively utilize the facilities and resources made available by the library.


The relevance of this research is to attempt towards understanding the importance and benefits of digital library as individuals, in our environment and also in the society. Thus the significance are as follows:

1) To bring readers up-to-date on the progress, nature and impact of digital libraries, bridging the gap since the publication of the best-known digital library texts.

2) To provides a global perspective and integrates material from many sources in one place.


The scope of this topic covers the Historical background of Digital library, advantages and disadvantages of digital library, components of a digital library, how to use a digital library, importance of digital library to the society, the internal diagram of a digital library, characteristics of a digital library, types of digital libraries, function of a digital library, purpose of a digital library, how to create a digital library, how to add and remove an article on digital library, Types of digital libraries and examples, Software’s used for developing a digital library and Hardware involved( If any)


This research work is limited by the facts that:

1) There is lack of screening or validation

2) There is lack of preservation of a fixed copy (for the record and for duplicating scientific research)

3) There is difficulty in knowing and locating everything that is available, and differentiating valuable from useless information.

4) There is job loss for traditional publishers and librarians.

5) Costs are spread and many become hidden.


The hardware’s involved are as follows:

1) Computer, mobile phone or any device that can access the network.

2) Storage device or Database where data and information are kept and stored

3) Scanner that will be used to convert traditional object into Digitized objects.

4) Printer will be used to print out digitized object.

5) Internet Modem which will be used to access the network.

6) Traditional Materials Such as books, magazines


1) Scholarly communication, education, research such asE-journals, e-books, and data sets, e-learning.

2) Access to cultural collections such as Cultural heritage, historical & special collections, museums, biodiversity.

3) E-governance such as Improved access to government policies, plans, procedures, rules and regulations

4) Archiving and preservation.


1) No physical boundary. The user of a digital library need not to go to the library physically; people from all over the world can gain access to the same information, as long as an Internet connection is available.

2) Round the clock availability a major advantage of digital libraries is that people can gain access 24/7 to the information.

3) Multiple access. The same resources can be used simultaneously by a number of institutions and patrons. This may not be the case for copyrighted material: a library may have a license for "lending out" only one copy at a time; this is achieved with a system of digital rights management where a resource can become inaccessible after expiration of the lending period or after the lender chooses to make it inaccessible (equivalent to returning the resource).

4) Information retrieval. The user is able to use any search term (word, phrase, title, name, and subject) to search the entire collection. Digital libraries can provide very user-friendly interfaces, giving click able access to its resources.

5) Preservation and conservation. Digitization is not a long-term preservation solution for physical collections, but does succeed in providing access copies for materials that would otherwise fall to degradation from repeated use. Digitized collections and born-digital objects pose many preservation and conservation concerns that analog materials do not. Please see the following "Problems" section of this page for examples.

6) Space. Whereas traditional libraries are limited by storage space, digital libraries have the potential to store much more information, simply because digital information requires very little physical space to contain them and media storage technologies are more affordable than ever before.

7) Added value. Certain characteristics of objects, primarily the quality of images, may be improved. Digitization can enhance legibility and remove visible flaws such as stains and discoloration.[14]

8) Easily accessible.


Digital libraries, or at least their digital collections, unfortunately also have brought their own problems and challenges in areas such as:

1) Equity of access – the digital divide.

2) Interoperability between systems and software.

3) User authentication for access to collections.

4) Information organization.

5) Interface design.

6) Digital preservation (See above).

7) Training and development.


It can be applied in different areas, places, organizations and institutions. These include:-

1) Schools.

2) Banks.

3) Business organizations.

4) Economics.

5) Hospitals.

    2 reviews
  • Raj J

    Digital Library

    8 months ago
  • Sangeetha Gowda

    Can I Get a base paper of it

    11 months ago