Analysis of Customer Satisfaction from E-Banking Services


• To study about the factors that affects the customer perception towards e-banking of HDFC and ICICI bank.

• To know about the current and future prospects of E-Banking to the customers.

• To find out the major problems faced by the customers while using e-banking services.


Methodology is the method followed while conducting the study on a particular project. Through this methodology a systematic study is conducted on the basis of which the basis of a report is produced. It is a written game plan for conducting Research. Research methodology has many dimensions. It includes not only the research methods but also  considers the logic behind the methods used in the context of the study and explains why only a particular method or technique has bee n used. It also helps to understand the assumptions underlying various techniques and by which they can decide that certain techniques will be applicable to certain problems and other will not. Therefore in order to solve are search problem, it is necessary to design a research methodology for the problem as the some may differ from problem to problem. The methodology adopted for studying the objectives was surveying the in-house customers of these two banks in the city of Jaipur.


• From our study we find out that 114 male and 36 female are using E-banking services of both the banks. The male are having more knowledge about the transactions and having more knowledge about the services provided by the banks. Only the working ladies having knowledge about the services or the female having the knowledge but not of the all the service s which are provided by the banks. So that’s why we considered only those persons who are having knowledge about all services of E-banking which is provided by the banks.

• Most of the respondents who lies under the age of 21-30 are using E-banking services a s near about 40 respondents are using these services because under the age of these respondents they are having more knowledge about the services of e-banking.

• Banks should obey the RBI norms and provide facilities as per the norms, which are not being followed by the banks. While the customer must be given the prompt services and the bank officer should not have any fear on mind to provide the facilities as per RBI norms to the units going sick.

• Internet banking facility must be made available in all branches of these two Banks.

• Each section of these Banks should be computerized even in rural areas also.

• Personalized banking should be given a thrust as more and more banks are achieving in usual services.

• Covering up the towns in rural areas with ATMs so that the people in those area s ca n also avail better services. scale and try to improve its policies continuous according to the demand of the customers.

    1 reviews
  • Raj J

    Analysis of Customer Satisfaction from E-Banking Services

    8 months ago