Design of a Wireless Medical Monitoring System Seminar ppt

Traditionally, the medical measurement system can be expensive and a medical measurement system can be difficult to access for a needed patient. Moreover such a system is neither compatible with the PC and communication standards nor is it easily upgraded. In addition, a special patient may need medical measurement system to monitor one's body condition even if that individual is located in the hospital. Based on these requirements and available technology, our design provides a convenient operational procedure utilizing an embedded circuit board and Web server to provide a remote electrocardiograph measurement. Typically, an electrocardiogram is generated by a nerve impulse stimulus to a heart, whereby the current is diffused around the surface of the body surface. The tiny current at the body surface will build on the tiny voltage drop, which is a couple of μV to mV with an impulse variation. This very small amplitude of electrocardiograph needs to be amplifying a couple of thousand times for recording and displaying. Simultaneously, the amplified signal is then inputted into an analog to digital conversion and through the digital interface inputted into an embedded circuit board. The embedded circuit board uses client server network programming to transmitting this digital medical signal to the remote database by wireless or wire networks.

This paper presents the design proposal of hardware and software of information terminal (a machine) and wireless receiver module of multipoint short-range wireless data collection and transmission network, which provides a low-powered and high-performance wireless data communication system, works in the ISM(Industrial Scientific Medical) Band. The main technology is the ZIGBEE technology which is the 2.4GHz, IEEE 802.15.4-compliant transceiver for developing our application.


The main processes involved in this type of control system are to monitor the patient’s health status. Zigbee is a wireless connection network that is used to connect different devices at a frequency of 2.4GHz. For medical applications also this Zigbee is widely used. The Zigbee can communicate with the devices of about 1km. The other network is GSM network. This can be operated from any distance to any point of control. The communication is done with the help of local network support. This can get communicated to any part of the world which the network of the local system is applicable. Here we are using for the hospital communication for monitoring the patient.

    1 reviews
  • Raj J

    Design of a Wireless Medical Monitoring System

    8 months ago