Mobile Voting System Using IRIS Recognition and Cryptography Techniques

With the advancement of electronics and computer science, mobile communication technology leads us to a fast moving entirely different world. In this scenario, we have lot of responsibilities, one of it is voting for our country, but even we don't have time for it, and also our votes may not useful to our nation, because of fake votes and cheating process happened during the election. This problem is rectified by the latest voting system as “Mobile Voting System” which is discussed in this paper. The mobile voting system uses the efficient techniques, iris recognition and cryptography for the secured voting process. The iris recognition and cryptography avoids the fake votes and cheating process. The election commission spends lot of money, for each election unnecessarily, which will be minimized by this system. This system enables the voter to vote to the Nation from his place itself.

Mobile voting system use the iris recognition and cryptography techniques, for voting purpose, the encryption algorithm is uploaded in the mobile phone. As like the eye scanner which scans the iris is fixed in the mobile, so the mobile phone having camera is preferred for that. To obtain the voting the voters eye iris is recognized. During the transmission from the source (mobile) to destination (election database system) the data is encrypted using the encryption algorithm. The data sending and receiving is doing with the help of the mobile networks.

As democracies across the globe fight challenges related to electronic voting systems, here a mobile phone-based voting system that incorporated into the current large-scale election process, gives the promising research. Traditionally, voting process is organized in centralized or distributed manner called voting booths. The earlier process of election is quite complex and time consuming. People were waiting in queue for long time. To reduce this problem mobile voting system is introduced. This mobile voting system provide many benefits like we don’t need to go to polling booths, no need to use paper ballots and we have time and cost efficiency and it also avoid tiredness and violence . In our system there is no expensive hardware is used. For the different reasons, voters may not able to come to the voting booths physically, but now with the use of this new system he can vote remotely. For example, he can vote from home or while travelling abroad or sitting in the Office. That’s why there is more demand for remote voting. In this system procedures are easy, transparent and most secure. 

Today the most common way for remote voting is postal voting, where voters cast their votes by cell Phones...Internet voting was introduced to provide more flexibility. Because of the inherited security vulnerabilities Of the Internet and computerized systems. In general, Phone Voting System (MPVS) provides mobility feature. Internet voting there is awide range of criticism. Mobile However this technology accesses certain security threats for its successful implementation in election. Without eliminating these security threats like buying a vote and Coercion, online registration, secrecy of ballot, anonymity of voter and double voting this latest technology can’t be allowed. An efficient and reliable system is essential for the trustworthy and successful implementation of this technology. In our system we design mobile application for e-voting (electronic voting) process. The proposed system uses mobile phone device having: small in size, low power, low-price as compared to computers and Direct Recording Electronic voting System, Electronic Voting Machine’s, provide mobility feature and security. Proposed system uses Global System for Mobile Communication technology which is a secure and globally used mobile technology in the current situation. Mobile phone also uses Subscriber Identity Module technology which provides user identity privacy, user identity verification and subscriber data secrecy providing more security to the proposed system. 

The key features of our proposed Mobile Phone Voting System is : 

  1. Eligibility: only authorised voter can cast their vote.
  2. Uniqueness: Each user can cast their only one vote. 
  3. Integrity: Valid vote should not be modified or deleted. 
  4. Fairness: The election result should not be accessible before the official time ended. 
  5. Secrecy: No one should be able to find how voter cast their vote. 
  6. Cost-effectiveness: Election system should be efficient and affordable.

    1 reviews
  • Raj J

    Mobile Voting System Using IRIS Recognition and Cryptography Techniques

    8 months ago