Human Resource Management

Human Resource management (HRM) refers to the concept or methods needed to carry out responsibility of the personnel in aspects of managing organizational tasks. Such as recruiting, screening, training, rewarding and some other related tasks.

Nowadays it would be difficult to imagine that organizations can achieve and sustain effectiveness at their work without efficient HRM programs and activities. The HR department plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth running of an organization most importantly by tracking and analyzing the timekeeping and work patterns of the work force, allowing management better information on which to make good decisions.


From Entry to Exit or Recruitment to Retirement of an employee in the organization

Following are the areas of operation of HRM:

  1. Human Resource Planning
  2. Job Analysis
  3. Job Design
  4. Recruitment & Selection
  5. Orientation & Placement
  6. Training & Development
  7. Performance Appraisals
  8. Job Evaluation
  9. Employee and Executive Remuneration
  10. Motivation
  11. Communication
  12. Welfare
  13. Safety & Health
  14. Industrial Relations

Functions of HRMS Systems

The function of the human resources department involves tracking employee histories, skills, abilities, salary and their accomplishments. When an organization takes care to reduce the manual workload an organization performs, they choose to replace those processes with various

levels of HRMS systems. Executives within a HR department either rely on internal IT experts or third-party vendors to develop and implement an integrated system. Each module performs a separate function within the HRMS. The functions current HRMS systems can perform include:

  • Payroll
  • Database for employee information
  • Attendance records
  • Performance evaluation
  • Benefits administration
  • Learning and recruiting management
  • Employee self-service
  • Employee scheduling
  • Tracking of employee absenteeism
  • Analytics

    1 reviews
  • Raj J

    Human Resource Management

    8 months ago