Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering Seminar ppt

In this Era of technology, Lasers have a very vast application in Highway Engineering. It is used various purposes like Road profiling, Pavement surface deflection, Bridge deflection, Speed checkers etc. These techniques have eased Human work by making it simple and easy to use. If compared to older techniques that were cumbersome, these have higher accuracy since everything is automated and quicker in obtaining results since its computed by a computer and need very less human power.

Applications of Lasers in Highway Engineering

  • Road Profiling
  • Pavement Surface Deflections
  • Bridge Deflection
  • Speed Checkers
There is a developing requirement for vital administration of the national roadway system to save the huge capital investment. Pavement administration exercises require exact, quick and practical pavement test systems to record current status of the pavement structures in fast way. Laser strategy has the qualities of high corectness, high resolutions and repeatability, and has been broadly connected in the range finding.

Profiler working they are:

  1. A reference elevation,
  2. A height relative to the reference, and
  3. Longitudinal distance.
These three ingredients are combined in different ways, based on the design of the Profiler.

Advantages of Using Lasers in Highway Engineering

  • Laser based system can measure road profile and deflection accurately while travelling at normal speed.
  • It results in rapid measurement and quick data collection.
  • Multiple locations can be measured from single instrument position.
  • It doesn’t require any set up or break down.
  • This can be fitted on any vehicle required by the user.
  • It can operate at speed at speed of 105km/h.
  • It collects data in real-time as it traverses the pavement’s surface.
  • It eliminates the need for lane closures or traffic control while testing.

    2 reviews
  • Shivakumar Kumbar

    Sir your topic was good and i want kiterature review on this topic

    2 years ago
  • Raj J

    Application of Lasers in Highway Engineering

    3 years ago